Friday, March 16, 2012

Lakewood approves request to use Town Center for homelessness fair

I have been told that Lakewood has granted us permission to hold a homelessness fair at its town center, Clifton Avenue between Third & Fourth Streets, Sunday, April 22.
The fair will recognize and thank groups that have helped the homeless; establish networks and link the homeless and those groups that help them; conduct seminars to educate people at three levels (helpers, the homeless, and government officials) about ways to survive homelessness and how to better assist the homeless; demonstrate there is a lot of support from the community for the homeless; and provide a meal to all who attend the event.
Our plans include having information tables from local assistance groups, enabling them to tell of the services they offer; bringing in local government officials who will share their successes in helping the homeless; provide health screenings; and hosting a panel discussion to address homelessness as a social justice issue.
Volunteers from local community service organizations will staff the event.
If your group would like to participate or co-sponsor the event, let me know: .
Stay tuned.  More information will follow soon.

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