Monday, July 18, 2011


On Wednesday, January 26, 2011, twenty-one Continuum of Care (CoC) jurisdictions in New Jersey – representing the twenty-one counties – conducted the 2011 Point in Time Count (PITC) of the homeless across the state. The goal of the Point in Time Count was to identify the number of homeless people at a given point in time and to collect demographic and other information about those who are homeless to be used to develop effective plans to address and end homelessness. A total of 12,051 surveys were completed across the State of New Jersey as part of the 2011 Point in Time Count.  Below is a list of some of the key findings of the report.
Key Findings of the 2011 Point in Time Count in NJ
  • There were 12,825 homeless men, women and children counted across the state of New Jersey as part of the 2011 PITC. 
  • The estimated number of men, women and children that are homeless over the course of the year within the State of New Jersey is 28,830. 
  • There were 8,493 adults counted as homeless on the night of January 26, 2011. 
  • Of those 8,493 adults, 1,022 (12.1%) were unsheltered and 7,471 (87.9%) were sheltered homeless. The largest percentage of the homeless were living in Emergency Shelters on the night of the count (39.2%) 
  • A total of 4,332 children under the age of 18 were homeless on the night of January 26, 2011.  
  • The County of Essex had the highest number of homeless in NJ with 11.8% of the total homeless population on the night of the count. 
  • The most prevalent homeless subpopulation in the 2011 count was people who are homeless with mental health issues. 
  • A total of 2,291 families reported being homeless on the night of January 26, 2011. 
  • total of 751 adults met the HUD definition of chronically homeless when counted on January 26, 2011.
  •  In 2011, the number of unsheltered chronically homeless totaled 139 or 18.5% of the chronically homeless individual population. 
A total of 94 families statewide met the chronic homeless family definition on the night of the 2011 count

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